Computer Networking: A Top-Down Approach(Eighth Edition) PDF
- 作者: [美]James F·Kurose Keith W. Ross
- 作品简介:
We are developing online lectures (that can be used with the open knowledge check review questions and interactive problems) for students who are learning at a distance -- whether because of the pandemic or simply because it is not possible to have a synchronous face-to-face classroom experience. These are part of the material for an on-line (only) course that one of us (Jim) taught in the Fall of 2020, with additional material added after that. We're making this available to anyone who'd like to learn from this material, and hope folks will find them interesting and useful. There are a few missing sections in chapters 5 and 6, which we're working on in July 2021, with chapters 7 and 8 (which are typically covered only briefly, if at all, in an introductory networking course) to follow.
- 作者简介:
詹姆斯·F.库罗斯( James F. Kurose )
美国马萨诸塞大学阿默斯特分校信息与计算机科学学院杰出教授。他因杰出的研究、教学和服务工作而获得了许多奖项,包括IEEEINFOCOM奖、ACM SIGCOMM终身成就奖、ACM SIGCOMM时间考验奖和IEEE计算机协会的Taylor Booth教育奖章。他是IEEE和ACM会士,并且是美国国家工程院院士。他的研究兴趣包括网络协议和架构、网络测量、多媒体通信以及建模和性能评价。
基思·W.罗斯( Keith W. Ross )
上海纽约大学工程与计算机科学部主任,纽约大学计算机科学与工程系Leonard J.Shustek首席教授。他是ACM和IEEE会士,曾获INFOcOM 2009年最佳论文奖,《气世体通信》2011年和2008年最佳论文奖。他的研究兴趣包括计算机网络、P2P系统、内容分发网络、社交网络以及隐私的建模和测量等方面,当前致力于深度强化学习相关研究。
- 分类:计算机类
- 标签:计算机  网络 
- 链接:https://shuyuan.org/ebooks/2848.html
- 上一书籍:计算机网络:自顶向下方法(原书第8版)
- 下一书籍:投资丛林法则:跑赢大多数的逆向投资法
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