Dictionary of Geotourism(旅游地学大辞典) PDF
- 作者: Anze Chen Young Ng Erkuang Zhang Mingzhong Tian
- ISBN:9787030589811
- 作品简介:
Geotourism is a new, emerging scientific discipline by applying the principles of earth science in the study of natural and human tourism resources. It involves the principles and methodologies of art, landscape architecture, environmental science and tourism in dealing with earth science issues of tourism activities and provides guidance to the establishment, management and protection of geoparks, forest parks and scenic areas. The Dictionary of Geotourism contains over 3,000 definitions, hundreds of diagrams and pictures with easy to understand explanations and illustrations in six different parts covering the concepts, principles, tourism earth science resources, applications, geopark establishment and management, geology-related parks and world heritage sites. It contains plenty of Chinese concepts and examples of nature-based tourism, natural and cultural landscapes, sustainable and rural developments, conservation systems and methods, park development and management, which areseldom being shared outside China while it also balances the views of other global counterparts.
This dictionary is a reference for geological heritage survey, assessment and research. It can also be used to assist designing and planning of geopark, national parks, heritage protection, museum, exhibition and scientific interpretation. It is a valuable teaching material for teachers and students of geoscience and tourism as well as providing useful guidance for geopark, national park managers and tour guides in their operation. In addition, it offers scientific knowledge of the surrounding natural and cultural landscapes to the general public.
- 分类:学习教育
- 标签:旅游  地学  辞典 
- 链接:https://shuyuan.org/ebooks/4164.html
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